Celebrity wedding celebrant Shura Taft shares his expert tips for happy and healthy ‘Covid Companionship’

We’ve all heard the words over and over again: ‘These are unprecedented times’. 

And let’s be honest. They really are! 

So when uncertainty reigns supreme from one lockdown to the next, what love lessons have we learned to keep that spark alive?



1. Make WFH into LFH

While most of us are Working From Home, we also need to do some Loving From Home. Don’t just co-exist, instead try to resist! 

Make time once a week to reconnect on a little LFH date night. Dress up, pour a glass of wine, look into each other’s eyes and reminisce about a time when you could leave your postcode on a romantic weekend away (Victorians take note).

2. You do you

While it’s vital to reconnect with each other, you also need to maintain your independence. Give your partner the time and space to do the things that are important to them. 

Encourage their daily yoga practice, jigsaw puzzling, golf game or whatever helps them escape. You aren’t joined at the hip so those moments apart can make the times together even more special.


3. Wear protection

We all know masks can save lives. Other forms of protection can also save you from unexpected surprises, too. 

While I’m not here to tell you how to live your life, you wouldn’t want to come out of isolation with an added bonus you’re not exactly ready for.

4. Make the most of it

When have you ever had so much time with your partner? Let’s use this unprecedented opportunity to reconnect with what’s important - each other.

It’s the perfect excuse to move our eyes away from screens and back toward those who love us most. Wouldn’t it be nice to rediscover love in the time of covid!


5. Get hitched

None of this is rocket science so have fun, love hard & reignite that flame.

And when it’s all said and done, I’ll be waiting for you at the altar - in a mask, of course - to marry the love of your covid life or re-commit your vows.



About the Author: Shura Taft is a Melbourne based TV host, presenter, wedding celebrant in between trying to parent 2 kids under 4 with his wonderful wife Gemma. You can find him on instagram at @shurataft.

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  • Lexie said:

    Extremely wholesome and heartwarming content!!

    August 07, 2020

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